How do we provide you with trading in foreign markets?
Monet Broker has established business-technical cooperation with the renowned American brokerage house Interactive Brokers LLC (IB), whose headquarters are located in Greenwich, Connecticut, in the United States.
The regulators that control the actovoties of the IB and its branches are: SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission), FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority), NYSE (New York Stock Exchange), FCA (Financial Conduct Authority), as well as many other agencies in countries where IB has its own departments. The credit rating agency Standard & Poor's has assigned IB a BBB + credit rating with a stable outlook, which further confirms the credibility and security of clients' funds and securities.
How are your funds secured?
Cash deposits of all clients are insured with SIPC (Securities Investor Protection Corporation) (Securities Investor Protection Corporation) up to the amount of USD 250,000. In addition, securities up to $ 250,000 are insured, representing a total insurance amount of $ 500,000.
On which markets can you trade?
Trading is enabled in over 100 markets around the world, of which we would certainly point out the following:
What instruments can you trade in foreign markets?
The trading is enabled with the following instruments:
Is there a platform through which the trading is executed?
TWS (Trade worker station) is a platform used to access trading and contains a multitude of tools and budgets that can greatly help you in making investment decisions.
You can also trade via a Web trader or via a mobile phone.
How can you register and open a trading account?
You can open an account in one of two ways:
Full electronic account opening:
This type of account opening is much faster and more efficient, where you only need to contact us via email with a request to open an account. As soon as we receive your request, we will send you a link to your email, through which you begin the registration process.
Semi-electronic account opening:
With this method of opening an account, the Monet broker performs the registration process, after which it is necessary to sign the documentation that we submit to you, and which we forward to the IB.
Regarding whether you are an individual or legal person, you need the following documentation to open an account:
Legal entity:
Kako se vrši prenos novčanih sredstava na račun za trgovanje i kolike su naknade?
Ukoliko ste fizičko lice, prenos novčanih sredstava se vrši na način da se sredstva u stranoj valuti transferišu sa vašeg deviznog računa, otvorenog u Novoj banci a.d. Banja Luka, na depozitni račun Interactive brokers-a.
Troškovi prenosa sredstava na depozitni račun Interactive brokers-a (odliv sredstava) se obračunavaju u zavisnosti od iznosa uplaćenih sredstava, prema sljedećem kriterijumu:
do 5.000,00 KM 0,50% min 20,00 KM
od 5.000,01 do 10.000,00 KM 0,40% min 25,00 KM
od 10.000,01 do 50.000,00 KM 0,35% min 40,00 KM
od 50.000,01 do 100.000,00 KM 0,30% min 175,00 KM
od 100.000,01 do 400.000,00 KM 0,25% min 300,00 KM
od 400.000,01 do 1.000.000,00 KM 0,15% min 1.000,00 KM
i preko 1.000.000,01 KM min 1.500,00 KM - max 3.000,00 KM
Troškovi prenosa sredstava sa računa Ineractive brokers-a na vaš devizni račun (priliv sredstava):
do 1.000,00 KM 0,50% min 5,00 KM
od 1.000,01 do 5.000,00 KM 0,30% min 5,00 KM
preko 5.000,01 KM 0,15% min 20,00 KM
U slučaju bilo priliva ili odliva sredstava, obračunavaju se i provizije posredničke banke, koje iznose od 5,00 do 10,00 EUR po transakciji, u zavisnosti od iznosa uplaćenih/isplaćenih sredstava.
Ukoliko ste pravno lice, transfer sredstava je moguć putem svih banaka u Republici Srpskoj, gdje je u zavisnosti od pojedine banke, moguće ugovoriti i različite provizije plaćanja.
NAPOMENA: Zbog fiksnog deviznog pariteta EUR – BAM, savjetujemo klijente da se sve uplate vrše u EUR valuti, kako bi se izbjegli dodatni troškovi konverzije valuta.
Koji su koraci koje treba preduzeti da bi se otvorio račun i počelo sa trgovanjem na inostranim tržištima?
1. Potpisivanje ugovora o berzanskom posredovanju I investicionom savjetovanju sa Monet brokerom:
Ova procedura podrazumijeva vaš lični dolazak u naše sjedište, te u zavisnosti da li ste pravno ili fizičko lice, potrebno je da predočite gore navedenu identifikacionu dokumentaciju. Nakon provjere identiteta, neophodno je popuniti i ovjeriti dokumentaciju (obrasce) koji će vam biti uručeni od strane Monet brokera. Na osnovu popunjenih obrazaca, Monet broker izrađuje ugovore o berzanskom posredovanju i Investicionom savjetovanju.
2. Pokretanje procedure otvaranja računa za trgovanje u inostranstvu:
Nakon uspješno zaključenih ugovora iz prvog koraka, Monet broker će vam poslati email, putem kojeg pokrećete proceduru registracije računa za trgovanje (potpuno elektronsko otvaranje računa) ili će Monet broker uz vaše prisustvo, otvoriti račun za trgovanje u vaše ime (polu-elektronsko otvaranje računa).Procedura otvaranja računa se sastoji od popunjavanja elektronskih obrazaca, nakon čega je potrebno upload-ovati važeći identifikacioni dokument, dokaz o prebivalištvu, dokaz o porijeklu sredstava za investiranje i napraviti instrukcije za uplatu depozita.
3. Uplata sredstava na depozitni račun Interactive brokers-a:
Nakon dobijenog obavještenja od strane Interactive brokers-a i/ili Monet brokera o otvorenom računu za trgovanje, potrebno je otići u banku i izvršiti prenos novčanih sredstava na depozitni račun Interactive brokers-a. Za izvršenje istog, banci se dostavlja sljedeća dokumentacija:
4. Trgovanje na inostranim tržištima:
Nakon uplate sredstava na depozitni račun kod Interactive brokers-a, možete početi trgovati sa finansijskim instrumentima na tržištima za koje ste dobili dozvolu za trgovanje, a koju ste pethodno tražili kroz proces otvaranja računa. Ukoliko prethodno niste zatražili određenu dozvolu, možete to učiniti naknadno putem aplikacije Account management.
What kind of service can clients expect from a Monet broker?
Our professional team, which has many years of experience in the domestic market, will provide clients with all the necessary technical support for investing in foreign markets.
As before, our main and basic goal is to protect the interests of our clients, which we primarily achieve by providing all relevant information that may be crucial for making decisions regarding the purchase and sale of financial instruments. Some of the most important information we provide to clients are:
Where can I find more information on the manner and conditions of trading in foreign markets?
We have prepared a Brochure for you, which contains basic information on investment opportunities in foreign markets. You can download the brochure here